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making it easy and fun to wash your furry family member!

As members of the family, you only want the best for your dog. Keeping them clean and their coat healthy is the first step, but the pickiest of owners want the entire experience from start to finish to be absolutely perfect.

Our two Evolution Dog Washes are built by hand in the United States. Each machine offers a complete bathing and drying system designed to provide the optimal care for your dog.

From spa-quality coat conditioners to flea and tick shampoo to perfectly controlled water temperature, our dog washes are the best money can buy.  Bring you best friend to experience the benefits and comfort of our unique dog washing system.

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When You Become A "VIP" Wash Club Member, You Can Wash your car as many times as for one low monthly fee

  • Wash Your Car As Many Times As You Like For One Low Price
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